Monday 11 February 2019

Happy New Year! - and some updates...

Dear community of devoted readers... whomever you may be... Thanks for tuning in!

Welcome to 2019! It has been a solid 2+ years since my last blog post, and a lot of things have happened. A lot of change and personal growth has occurred. Using writing as a medium for self-expression has always helped me to stay grounded and make sense of an otherwise nonsensical existence. What's new, you may ask? 

I'm getting married! In October of this year, I am pleased to say that I will be tying the knot with my best friend and soulmate of two years. We met in late-2016 and will be commemorating our third anniversary together with the ultimate expression of love and commitment to one another. I couldn't be happier about this occasion. 

I am happy and settled in my current work. In 2017, after many ups and downs in my career, I decided to return to school and obtain a professional certification. I have earned a Career Development Practitioner Certificate and am now working toward a Vocational Rehabilitation Certification. Basically, I support people with disabilities and/or barriers to employment obtain and maintain employment. 

As I enter my late-20s this year, I have never been happier, stronger (both physically and mentally), and more confident. That said, I recognize that all of those things continually change and shift as time goes by but I feel a sense of conviction that I will be able to navigate those things with grace and ease. 

I recently started attending counselling, after which I realized that the period of depression that I experienced in 2016-2017 was actually a result of challenging life circumstances that snowballed into an overwhelming numbness, disconnection with reality, and darkness which I am still trying to understand to this day. Depression doesn't just happen. It's a tiny particle of ice that picks up companions along the way, gaining volume and building momentum as it tumbles down the mountain. I'm working hard to recognize when negative emotions start to build up and address the accumulation as I go along, rather than wait until it's too much for me to take and just shut down. 

Looking forward to doing more deep diving with you all in the coming months. Cheers!

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